Mermaid logo Gifts from the Mermaids
Local Vendors
A limited selection of items from Gifts from the Mermaids is available at these fine area shops. If you live in or are visiting the upper Hudson Valley, stop in for a visit.

Saunders Gallery of Fine Art  in The Shirt Factory
71 Lawrence Street Suite 105
Glens Falls, NY 12801
View Bev's blog at: Saunders Gallery Of Fine Art

BJs Artworks knitted lace display

Proprietress Bev Saunders, a pastel artist and custom framer, offers a wide selection of her own work, along with the creations of other local artists and artisans. This is a wonderful place to browse!

BJs Artworks knitted lace

She maintains an inventory of about 6-8 Gifts from the Mermaids scarves, along with several corsages color coordinated to the scarves. The collection is rotated seasonally. To appreciate the softness of the fibers and the intricacy of the patterns, stop by!

BJs Artworks knitted lace